The Baby Book

Here’s the cover!

baby book cover

Available from booksellers November 3, 2015!

Here are some lovely blurbs.

It is impossible to read just one poem from Robin Silbergleid’s new collection The Baby Book. I dare you to try.  As Silbergleid’s speaker endures obstacles on the path to parenthood, readers develop an intimacy with the narrative, and an appreciation for how the poet captures surreal elements of clinical scenes and their accompanying vernacular. These poems embrace and reinvent form, and are equally adept in moments of seriousness and dark humor. In “Prayer to the New Virgin Mary,” Silbergleid begins, “Hell is AOL on a bad day, a half-finished message / on the answering machine. The word positive.” With the emotional depth of a novel, and the poignancy of memoir, Silbergleid has created a testament to the human spirit, and a poetry collection that is truly unforgettable.

–Mary Biddinger, author of A Sunny Place with Adequate Water

Sophisticated and gripping, this depiction of a single woman’s experience of donor insemination, miscarriage, and birth is a major accomplishment. This artistic response to a common but little discussed human experience is powerful and moving. The Baby Book is at once evocative and informative; it takes the literature on pregnancy loss to a whole new level.

–Linda Layne, author of Motherhood Lost: A Feminist Account of Pregnancy Loss in America and producer of Motherhood Lost:  Conversations.

Robin Silbergleid’s The Baby Book is a relentless, fierce examination of miscarriage, loss, pregnancy, and labor that is both a commentary on modern medicine as well as a timeless reflection on motherhood, grief, and desire. A brutal and resilient narrative!  I hope that this book creates much-needed dialogues.

–Julianna Baggott, author of This Country of Mothers


A first review, from Susan Jett.

And from Carol Dorf in Mom Egg Review

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